We are a Nottingham based sales and lettings agent specialising in commercial land and property.
We are a Nottingham based sales and lettings agent specialising in commercial land and property.
Units to let principally for research and development and small scale production located in our Nottingham Science & Technology Park.
For more information or a viewing please call 0115 8763000
https://www.rightmove.co.uk/commercial-property-to-let/property-74177255.htmlA 2 storey office premises situated 5 miles north of Nottingham City Centre.
Self contained unit with disable toilet and kitchenette. Plus gas fired central heating.
Our e-mail address is: property.plus@nottinghamcity.gov.uk
If you wish to visit us in person please contact us in advance to arrange an appointment.
Property Plus
Loxley House
Station Street
You can also call us on 0115 876 3000
Our opening hours are 08:30 - 17:00 Monday to Friday.
To make rent payments, existing tenants can call our free phone number 0800 0520173, selecting Option 7 - Estates Rents or visit our online payment page.
Nottingham has approximately £2 billion worth of redevelopment opportunities in a 0.5 square mile city centre radius, which the council hopes to unlock in partnership with private sector investors. These include a number of property investment opportunities across the wider city area for office, residential and retail spaces in a growing city with enormous potential.
Nottingham is a highly skilled city, with two award winning universities producing 60,000 students a year and talented graduates across a number of sectors, particularly in the life sciences and creative industries. This means that over 60% of the jobs in Nottingham are in knowledge intensive areas, well above the UK average.
Invest in Nottingham, the city’s Place Marketing partner offers a free and confidential service for businesses interested in relocating into Nottingham. Nottingham Jobs can help you find the talent you might need for your business and advice on how you can access training, and grant funding if required.
Nottingham Property Plus is the commercial trading name for the Property Services functions that form one part of the Strategic Assets & Property Directorate at Nottingham City Council.
For all other opportunities and services available under Strategic Assets & Property and Development & Growth activity within the City Council, please go to the Nottingham City Council website.
Nottingham Property Plus is fully responsible for commercially managing the City Council's Corporate Portfolio of land and property assets. This includes an extensive Property Trading Account Portfolio and all surplus land and property. The role includes both the acquisition and disposal of property investments, proactive property management and letting of all tenanted and vacant assets, the strategic acquisition of assets for commercial or regeneration purposes, together with the open market disposal of any surplus land or buildings for a multitude of uses.
Nottingham Property Plus also provides a range of properties within the commercial Property Trading Account Portfolio that assist local businesses, Social and Commercial Enterprises and other groups, together with promoting employment, housing and regeneration. All these Property related activities are always undertaken on a commercial basis as the collective net receipts derived from all property holdings and trading activities within the Corporate Portfolio are ultimately utilised to fund and support front line City Council services to Citizens.
Nottingham Property Plus is managing the City Council's property interests in approximately one third of all property assets within the City boundaries, together with a number of significant property assets elsewhere in the UK. Given the extent and diversity of these property interests, Nottingham Property Plus often have a range of commercial letting or re-development opportunities as well as land and property assets for sale and for various potential uses, subject to Planning Consent. For further details on current availability, please use our search tool. For any general enquiries or for further information, do not hesitate to contact the Nottingham Property Plus team.
- Nicki Jenkins
Director of Economic Development and Property.
Any interaction with listings linked from this site on rightmove.co.uk will be processed in accordance with Rightmove's privacy policy.
We will use the information provided by you in connection to any letting of our properties. The basis under which the Council uses personal data for this purpose is that this is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest by the Council or in the exercise of official authority vested in the Council.
The information provided by you may form part of a contract and also be used for the purpose of any other function carried out by the Council. Information about these functions and the legal basis on which information is used for them can be found at http://documents.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/download/5939 (section 3.4 Strategic Assets and Property)
If you are telephoning to make an enquiry about a property to rent, if you wish us to do so, we will keep your details on file for a period of six months in case a suitable property becomes available. Once you have entered into a contract with the council, your details will remain on our system for a period of 6 years after the contract has expired.
The Data Controller is Nottingham City Council, Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham NG2 3NG
The Data Protection Officer is Naomi Matthews. You can contact the data protection officer at the above address or at data.protectionofficer@nottinghamcity.gov.uk.
The new data protection law known as the General Data Protection Regulation provides for the following rights as prescribed by the legislation:
Please note that if you are unhappy with a decision regarding the handling of your data you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF. See also the Information Commissioners website at https://ico.org.uk/your-data-matters/.
For more information about these rights please refer to our detailed privacy statement at https://www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/privacy-statement.